9 tips to do when your Long Distance Boyfriend had a Bad Day
Is your long distance boyfriend had a bad day and you don’t know how to help him?
This frustrates you because you have good intentions.
You love your boyfriend and you want him to get better.
The problem is that you are not physically with him.
There are probably hundreds or thousands of miles between you.
You feel helpless.
Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place.
In this article, I’ll give you 9 simple tips to put in place to put a smile back on your boyfriend’s face after a tough day.
Among them, N°6 is the best of all.
But it is not applicable in all situations.
Enjoy reading!
For an ever more fulfilling long distance relationship, you can read these articles:
Do you miss your partner? Here are 7 tips to ease the pain
Showing love from a distance: why it’s important
The first thing to do is to ask him if he wants to talk about it
We tend to forget this.
Some people don’t like to talk about their problems, or deal with their bad moods by being alone. There is nothing wrong with that.
Depending on his response, you can apply the 9 tips to do if your long-distance boyfriend is having a bad day.
If your boyfriend wants to talk about it, you can do all tips except 6
If he doesn’t want to, you can do tips 1, 3, 6 and 8
1) Send him a pizza with a drink
Everyone loooooves pizza. Or if your boyfriend is particular, have him deliver his favorite fast food!
Food is always comforting.
This idea will cheer up your LDR boyfriend for two reasons:
- He’ll be surprised with a romantic and comforting gift
- He’ll understand that you care about him and respond quickly to his problems
- Score bonus points if you order exactly what he usually gets. You will show him that you know his habits and preferences.

2) My long distance boyfriend had a bad day: send him a nude
Yes, you read that right.
A simple little NSFW content from our long distance girlfriend is awfully effective in making us feel better.
If you’re already used to sending them, it’s perfect. Don’t hesitate for a second. Sexting and nudes will transform your boyfriend’s mood in seconds.
If you have any fears about this, the other solutions in this article will be more appropriate for you.

Your boyfriend will feel better, as if he had taken an instant dopamine shot.
With a simple photo!
3) Plan a surprise with one of his friends
Unlike the first two techniques, this method is not as easy to implement and does not work immediately.
The idea is simple:
If you have the number of a friend of your boyfriend, someone close in his family, you can contact him to organize a surprise.
Here are several ideas you can put together:
- Scatter hearts or words around his apartment
- Put an envelope with money on his bed so he can buy something for himself
- Pay for a restaurant or an outing for your boyfriend and his friend
- Fill up the gas tank
Your accomplice can also share his/her ideas!
If your LDR boyfriend had a bad day, he or she may feel the same way the next day or two.
This tip is effective in case your boyfriend is in a bad mood several times in a week.
And it will give you good practice for the day you organize him a surprise visit! The ultimate gift for all long distance couples.
4) Write cute messages or a little montage
Never underestimate the power of a message.
We all remember a message we’ve received in our lives that has particularly impacted our lives.
Pick up your phone and send them supportive messages.
Whatever comes to mind. Be comforting.
If you’re used to using Instagram, Snapchat or Whatsapp, you can make quick and fun edits with a photo, effects or text.
No matter where we live on this earth, we are all human.
And a heartwarming message from our girlfriend always warms our hearts.
Don’t underestimate this tip, it works terribly well.

5) Understand his situation (by putting yourself in his shoes)
You won’t be able to provide emotional support to your LDR boyfriend if you don’t understand why he is the way he is.
Why he’s in a sad, gloomy or angry mood.
To understand his situation, ask him these questions:
- Does he want to talk about it?
- Does his mood depend on something recurring or is it a one-time thing?
- Ask for as much detail as possible
- Give him immediate and long-term solutions. To find them, imagine what you would do if you were in his situation
- Remind him that you will always be there for him and that he can call you at any time
He will feel that you are involved in his situation, that it affects you but that you are not giving up on the difficulty.
This type of discussion may take you some time.
If you only have 10 or 15 minutes to spare, I don’t recommend it. If in the middle of the discussion you have to leave, he will feel that he is not a priority in your life.
6) Give him a comforting package in advance
This is my favorite tip! The only downside is that it requires preparation.
The idea is simple:
You’re going to put together a package with everything that will make him feel better:
- A little money to buy something
- A love letter
- A USB key with memories
- A piece of clothing with your perfume
- A private joke
- Anything! Anything that will make him forget his bad day.
All you have to do is send it to him or give it to him the next time you meet (it’s a great way to say goodbye more easily at the airport)
Just specify that he should only open it when he’s having a bad day.
I love this idea. It’s insane for several reasons:
- Everything is set up ahead of time. You won’t be stressed or lost without knowing what to do
- The feeling of surprise is ultra positive « Oh, I forgot about her surprise! ». He hasn’t even opened his package yet and he’s already in a better mood
- You prove to your boyfriend that he can count on you when you are hundreds or thousands of miles away.
It’s simple: there’s no better way.
7) My long distance boyfriend had a bad day: send a long message of love
Your long distance boyfriend had a bad day. He ruminates, complains and wonders how the day could be worse.
But he doesn’t ask himself how it could be better.
What could make it better and put a smile on his face.
So instead of sending her conventional messages, why not send her quotes about long-distance love?
Or maybe a long, romantic message that took you ten minutes to write?
The kind of message he’ll have to scroll through for 10 seconds.
The advantage of this trick is that it’s unexpected.
No one expects a long message (unless you’re arguing but that’s not the point).
This is an easy and romantic way to keep on hand when your long distance boyfriend had a bad day.
8) Make him laugh with meme or video
There is only one thing more effective than a laugh to forget all our problems for a few moments, it’s trick #2.
So make him laugh! Send him meme’s, videos, running gags, private jokes, faces of you…
Show him that you are involved in his mood and that you are very touched by it.
If the situation is not too dramatic (death of a loved one, layoff at a job…), this is a great idea and easy to do.
If he starts to play the game and send you funny videos too, you won.

9) Send him one of these 4 messages if your long distance boyfriend had a bad day
Simple, quick and to the point. If you don’t know which tip to start with, go with this one.
- I really care about you, you are important to me
- I think a lot about you, about our relationship, about everything we’re building together
- I wish I had the right words, but just know that I care about you
- Call me anytime you want. I will always be there for you, no matter the time difference.
Do these sentences sound simple to you?
You’re right.
But they are extremely powerful, especially in relationships. They put a smile on your face and touch your feelings deeply.
It is in front of this kind of messages that we can stay positively blocked for several seconds.
You are more than a support for your LDR boyfriend
We all have bad days.
In the rain, in traffic, at work or at university.
And most people have no one to vent their problems to. So they just keep them to themselves.
Your boyfriend is not in this situation.
He has a loving, devoted girlfriend who cares about the people she loves.
Some of the tips I’ve written about are super simple to implement. I’m thinking of the long message or sending funny videos.
It’s up to you to apply them and make your LDR boyfriend have a better day.
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