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22 Christmas Gifts for LDR boyfriend for those who have no ideas

In this article, I’m going to introduce you to 19 Christmas gifts for LDR boyfriend. I am in a long distance relationship myself for several years, I have taken care to choose gifts that will please your partner.

LDR Christmas gifts for him, personalized ones, romantic ones, gifts to share… the list is varied.

I myself will be giving this year’s #9 of this article! And I know in advance that I will hit the bull’s eye.

Whether you are separated by 100, 1000 or 10000 kilometers like me (I am French and my girlfriend is Peruvian), you will find great ideas for Christmas gifts.

And here, I created the same article with other Christmas gift ideas for LDR girlfriend

Let’s go!

Note from Leo: this article contains affiliate links. I have not tested all Amazon products, but I have taken care to select products with hundreds of reviews with excellent ratings. Enjoy reading!

list of recommendations to send a package for christmas in long distance relationship

Christmas gifts for LDR boyfriend that will improve your long distance relationship

This first part is going to please you, since you are also giving yourself a gift!
You will be able to benefit from the first 4 ideas, indirectly. You will benefit from a return on investment, if we can say it like that.
I’ll let you discover what I’m talking about.

1) Liven up your evenings with your boyfriend with my special Long Distance Relationship Ebooks

1095 questions specially designed by myself for couples in long distance relationships.

Talk, exchange, laugh together with your boyfriend around 30 different themes such as your relationship, your passions, your personality, your tastes, love, friends, childhood, work, distance, future and past, animals…
love, friends, childhood, work, distance, future and past, animals…

If you take one minute to answer each question, you have in front of you more than 18 hours of content (18 hours and 15 minutes exactly)

And that’s without counting the 3 bonuses I offer you when you buy one.

With as always the My Sweet LDR quality. Feedbacks I’ve had is all excellent and if you’re still not satisfied, send me an email and I’ll refund your money.
You don’t take any risk.

Choose the one that suits you best!

365 LDR Questions
to get to know each other

Perfect for couples who have been together for a short time and want to get to know each other better with original questions.

365 LDR Questions:
The funny game to find out who really knows who

Perfect for couples who want to get out of the routine and have fun with my reverse questioning technique

365 LDR Questions
to ask before close the gap

Perfect for couples who are looking for deep questions and are considering breaking the distance

2) My Virtual Date Box (100% adapted to LDR couples)

cover of the virtual date box for LDR couples

Another one of my creations available on My Sweet LDR !

Have you ever been looking for what to do for hours with your partner, only to end up watching Netflix because you had no idea what to do?

I have, many times.
And it’s frustrating. I felt like my relationship was falling apart, and that in a few weeks I would be single again

To deal with this feeling of redundancy, of routine in your long distance relationship, the Virtual Date Box is the perfect weapon.

It’s a dematerialized box that includes a lot of activities to do together, during a romantic date.

> Games and quizzes
> Discussion topics
> A secret challenge
> A naughty game
> Recipes for aperitifs
> Movie ideas
> Playlist

Each Virtual Date Box has its own theme and has between 3 and 5 hours of content 100% adapted to couples in long distance relationships. There is nothing similar on Google!

If you want more information, I detail everything on dedicated pages:

> Virtual Date Box : Christmas Theme

> Virtual Date Box : Halloween Theme

> Virtual Date Box : Journey theme

> Virtual Date Box : « Close the distance » theme

3) A personalized Long Distance Map (my favorite Christmas gift for him !)

my long distance girlfriend's reaction when she received my gift
A customizable map I created for my long distance girlfriend

Do you like theis design?

I made it for my Peruvian girlfriend’s birthday!
And I can do the same for you!

Your names are Angeline and Benjamin and you live a long distance relationship between Spain and Colombia? Here’s what you can have:

A customizable map I created for my long distance girlfriend

I already have many different designs for dozens of LDR couples.
All of them are unique (colors, text, typography…)

If you want to materialize your love and remind your girlfriend that you are the best, this is the perfect Christmas gift.

To have all the information about LDR map and get yours in less than 3 days, I redirect you to the dedicated information page.

> I want more informations and order my LDR map

Bonus : My Long Distance Christmas Pack

The 3 products you just discovered, but at reduced prices.

The only solution adapted to long-distance couples to celebrate Christmas as it should be !

> Discover the Long Distance Pack

4) Take your video calls to the next level

a couple in a long distance relationship makes a video call for Christmas

I already talked about this in my list of 31 must-have tools to make your daily long-distance relationship easier.

It happens to me consistently: after an hour-long video call, I always say one of these three phrases to Kyomi, my Peruvian girlfriend:

  • « Can you call me back? I’m going to switch to the computer, my hand is starting to hurt from holding my phone.
  • « Wait a minute, I’m going to put my phone on a pile of books, I’m tired of holding it. »
  • « Damn, I only have 3% of battery left, wait, I have to go get my charger ».

And in all three cases, it’s annoying for her.
Because it destroys the rhythm of our discussion, our activity or our movie.

If you’re as annoyed as my girlfriend, do what she did and give this your LDR boyfriend :

  • An external battery so that your call doesn’t go dead
  • A second computer screen to play together and continue to see her
  • A mini tripod for smartphone so she doesn’t get tired during long video calls

You’ll be able to share hours together without being interrupted by those pesky everyday things.

Mini Tripod Kit Smartphone ($28.00)

External battery ($34.99)

Computer screen 11,6 inch ($119.99)

5) Turn on your LDR boyfriend's room (and heart) remotely with connected lights

two connected lamps

Every year, technology smacks me in the face.
Like « Wow, this really exists? But this is absolutely brilliant! »

It doesn’t get much easier to use than Friends Lamps’ connected lights.
Even your grandmother would know how to use them.

  • Plug in your lamp.
  • Connect it to your wifi.
  • Fill in the unique code that you will find in your package (and that allows you to link the lamps together).
  • Ask your LDR boyfriend to do the same.

And… that’s it. Every time you touch your lamp, it will light up in the same color as your boyfriend’s.

A super romantic way to know that you’re thinking of him, or that he’s thinking of you!

The hardest part now is knowing which of the proposed 10 colors you’ll choose for your connected lamp.
Oh yeah, they ship worldwide if you were wondering.

6) Watch the same movies without the hassle thanks to a VPN


If you don’t know what a VPN is, I’ll try to make it as simple as possible: it’s a virtual private network that allows your computer (or phone) to hide its data and « change » its location.

Don’t you understand anything?

Here is an example:
When you connect to the Internet, you are tracked by your IP address. It is therefore easy to know from where in the world you are connecting.
With a VPN, you can virtually change your location to make it look like you are connecting from Europe, the USA, Australia…

What’s the point?
I’ll get to that. Beyond making you feel secure, it’s a practical tool for all couples in long distance relationships, especially for accessing the same content online.

  • Ever wanted to watch a movie on Netflix or a video on Youtube with your boyfriend, but it’s not available in your country (or in his)?
  • Or even more frustrating: it is available, but in another language.

It happened to me to watch Retablo, a movie that Kyomi recommended to me to discover his country, Peru. On the French catalog of Netflix, the movie is not available.

It took me less than 2 minutes to launch my VPN, connect as if I was in Peru and access the movie.
We saved the night!

There are dozens of companies that offer VPNs. Personally, I use Nord VPN. For less than $4 per month you can take a subscription that you can share with your partner.

And if you’re looking for the best movies to watch on Netflix about long distance relationships, you can find 6 of them here!

Useful, simple and cheap. Life is beautiful, isn’t it?

7) Give pleasure at a distance with Lovense

This one is for adults only!
It’s connected sex toy , but you control it.
No matter where you are in the world.

on the Lovense website, you will find connected sex toys, female and male.

The brand Lovense is a pioneer in its field. The creator has been in a long distance relationship himself. So he knows what he’s talking about.

If you’re ready to take your sex lives to the next level, go ahead! This is an affiliate link: so you can go with your eyes closed! It’s my word and my credibility on the line: I don’t recommend bad stuff.

Be careful though, if he opens it in front of his whole family: the moment could be embarrassing…

I’ve given you 4 LDR Christmas gifts for him. Let’s move on to the next category: personalized and unique gifts.

Personalized ldr christmas gifts for him

8) A video, drawing or song created by a professional

If you don’t know about Fiverr, you’re missing out on an amazing opportunity!

This site connects people like you and me with professional artists in any field. They can create a custom gift in a few days and 100% personalized.

This is a site that I love and recommend. I use it frequently, and I have never been disappointed. That’s why this link is an affiliate.

You can find everything on Fiverr. The most interesting categories for long distance couples are these:

  • Drawings of your boyfriend in a caricature, Disney, realistic way…
  • Music to declare your love in any style
  • Christmas songs sung by locals from Jamaica, the Sahara, someone in the shower, live from the farm (there is EVERYTHING).
  • Video montages of celebrities like the Pope or Queen Elizabeth wishing you a Merry Christmas
  • Illustrations like calendars, photo montages, cards, paintings…


I ordered 3 gifts and wrote a comprehensive guide on how to use Fiverr to find gifts suitable for long-distance couples.

> Discover my ultimate guide here

Giving such a Christmas gift for your boyfriend from a distance is an incredible opportunity.
Imagine the look on his face when he receives a time-lapse video of a talented artist drawing him

9) A phone case that looks like him

several personalized phone cases

If you’re reading this from a phone with a broken screen, you’ll understand why I put this gift on this list.

A personalized phone shell is perfect for people who are a little clumsy like me!
(Kyomi if you’re reading this post, you know what you have to do).

You can find 100% customizable case on this website.

Might as well mix business with pleasure by offering a unique protective shell. That way, your LDR boyfriend will think of you every time he uses his phone.
Not bad, right?

10) A package overflowing with your country's specialties: the classic christmas gift for ldr boyfriend

an ldr boyfriend delivers a Christmas gift for his girlfriend from a distance

Whenever my girlfriend comes to visit, I always ask her to bring me Inca Kola, cuñas and pisco!

I fell in love with her, but also with her country and her goodies.

I love this Christmas gift because it’s a great escape and makes you feel closer to your partner.

Never underestimate the human mind for combining ideas.
Why do you think we think back to moments of note life at the first few notes of a tune?

So gather the typical sweets of your country, make sure everything will pass the customs, slip a Merry Christmas message inside, wrap it with love and ask him not to open it until Christmas Eve.

Slip in a small packet of tissue too: the tears of happiness will run down her wet cheeks all by themselves.

11) Materialize your favorite music (yes)

This is the first decorative item on this list. Think back to your music.

Yes, the one that has marked the history of your couple, that you listen to every time you see each other.
There is only one. You know which one I mean.

On Amazon, you can order a clear acrylic frame in « Spotify player » mode like the one pictured.

Cute, modern, ultra romantic and beautiful decorative object to materialize your love. I need to say more? Personally, I validate.

Ours? La Terre est Ronde, by Orelsan. (which means « The earth is round »)
For the lyrics translated in English, it’s here ! 

A French music about travelling, about escaping from a mundane life and the problems of everyday life.
A song that fits well with long distance relationships, and our vision of life in general.

By the way, the next gift is directly related to that.

Personalized Acrylic Song

Personalized Acrylic Song

Personalized Acrylic Song ($21.95)

To share: Christmas gifts for LDR boyfriend

12) A ticket to live an event together

examples of concert tickets

This is my next Christmas gift for my girlfriend. Don’t panic, she already knows about it!

Kyomi will come to France for 3 months, in February 2022. This first trip to Europe promises to be unforgettable!
I have prepared a crazy amount of activities and surprises for her. One of them is to go and see Orelsan in concert, in the biggest hall of France in Paris.

In long distance relationships, it’s hard to share real events. So when you have the opportunity to experience one, go for it!

If the wind changes, you can always resell your tickets.

By the way, I have a question for you.

Tell me if your partner is like me: as I get older, I appreciate « consumable » gifts more than material ones.
Like going to a show, a soccer game, eating out or enjoying a great bottle of wine.

If your answer is yes, open a new tab in your browser and look at the events that will be happening in her city.
Or better yet, secretly text her best friend to see what consumable Christmas gift she would like.

You can’t go wrong like that.
Even blindfolded, you’re sure to hit the bull’s eye.

13) A ticket to experience a virtual event together (christmas gift for ldr boyfriend in distance)

logo airbnb experiences

If you still want to have a great time but are separated by distance, you can do it virtually with AirBNB experience. Here are some examples of activities you can book and do online:

  • Meditate with a Japanese Buddhist monk
  • Playing Christmas themed games
  • An online Harry Potter tour of Edinburgh
  • Cook traditional Christmas recipes with a chef
  • Etc etc…

There is something for everyone, and the great thing is that the organizers adapt to the time of year.
Come back for Valentine’s Day or Christmas to discover new experiences!

So, pretty good so far?
Next up, let’s focus on LDR Christmas gifts for him dedicated to travel! Because I know it’s a mandatory aspect of any long distance relationship.

Special travel: ldr christmas gifts for him

14) A discount for your next plane trip

a plane unfurls a banner with "Merry Christmas" written on it

Several times a year, airlines make promotional offers. There are a few techniques to find cheap airline tickets, and this is one of them!

And it’s super simple: all airlines have a newsletter. So go to their website, sign up for free and bookmark the recipient so you don’t miss any offers.

I was able to save 30€ this way, the last time I traveled between Paris and Lima.
It sounds ridiculous when you say it like that, but you should know that it was 5% of the price!

That’s pretty cool when you think that I just opened an email.

15) A world map where you scratch off the countries you've visited

I love this one!

Scratching a country feels exactly the same as crossing a task off your To Do List. It’s so satisfying!

You’ll want to travel the world with your LDR boyfriend!

You can find this kind of item on Amazon.
Or if you prefer, here is the globe version.

Scratch Map of the World ($29.99)

Scratch Map of the World ($34.99)

Pin Globe ($80.00)

16) Filtering gourd A filtering gourd, to avoid carrying 10 liters of water

A friend of mine visited me in Peru. He had the first model that you can see below (Katadyn). It saved our lives. And it will be under my tree this year!

If your boyfriend likes to travel, this is the perfect LDR christmas gift for him.

I have nothing else to say! It’s 100,000% validated.

Katadyn Filtred Bottle ($44.95)

SurviMate Filtred Bottle ($43.99)

Grayl Filtred Bottle ($89.95)

17) A GoPro, for unforgettable memories

For those with a little more budget, a GoPro is really the ideal equipment to capture the best moments of your trips!
Especially if you have the idea of creating montages afterwards.

Personally, I use the GoPro Black 8. I bought it for my sport (Parkour) but now I use it more for travel! It’s small, durable, easy to use, and the image quality is just amazing.

The only small drawback is that the videos take a lot of space! Especially if you shoot in 4K.

Anyway, if you offer this as a gift for your boyfriend, he will jump for joy!

For the last part, I decided to select some universal gifts, which appeal to everyone. Since you, my readers, read me from all over the world, I needed universal gifts. My article would have been incomplete otherwise!

GoPro 6 ($209.99)

GoPro 7 ($249)

GoPro 8 ($289.99)

Personal Christmas Gifts for LDR boyfriend

18) Chocolates: classic but so effective

box of chocolate to offer at Christmas

Here, you have two solutions:

  • Buy chocolates at home, make a beautiful package and send it to your LDR boyfriend.
  • Find a chocolate store in his town and place the order. Ask his family or friends for information if you don’t have it!

19) A beautiful notebook

If your partner loves to write, or is always grumbling about never having paper on hand, this is the perfect LDR Christmas gift for him.

Romantic, elegant, timeless.

I love this kind of item, like knives, purses or keychains. It’s personal and you can develop tremendous sentimental value.

That’s the point, which is why I put it on this list.

Classic Note Book ($15.99)

Romantic Note Book ($16.99)

Travel Note Book ($21.99)

20) A perfume that will remind him of you

a woman hold a christmas gifts for ldr boyfriend perfume

When you stay away for a long time, you tend to forget the smell of your partner.

When I found Kyomi after 10 months of distance, I was surprised to smell her scent again, because even if I recognized it between thousand, my brain had forgotten it!

So yes, you will have the greatest difficulty to find a perfume in the trade that naturally smells like your boyfriend (or else he is lucky, and you too!). But offer him the perfume you usually wear. It will help him fill the gap that distance creates (and if you want more tips, I wrote a whole article about it).

I put you here examples of perfume for women. Obviously, the best is to offer him the perfume that you usually put!

Vera Wang Perfume ($85.00)

Fire & Ice Perfume ($13.93)

Eternity Moment Perfume ($31.20)

21) A Christmas gift for LDR boyfriend: a Polaroid

One of my readers gave me this idea. She told me that when she travels, her boyfriend always takes this type of camera with him.

For the youngest, it is a old school camera that instantly prints photos (like in the picture). The daylight gradually reveals the patterns.

She told me that it was great because the memories stayed with her forever and that it was ultra satisfying to instantly discover the photo that she would look at for hours at the end of the trip.

The little bonus is that there is always enough room below the photo to write a little caption.

A nugget like this one, I just have to share it with you.

Instant Camera Fujifilm ($89.90)

Polaroid Original ($119.99)

Instant Camera Kodak ($149.99)

22) A memory box, that you will fill together

One last idea that always pleases!

A beautiful wooden memory box for him to store all the memories and gifts you’ve sent him.

It’s a Christmas gift for LDR boyfriend that he’s sure to love. In addition to being useful and romantic, it can quickly become a beautiful decorative object.

Here is one with a nice design, but you are free to find one that suits him more.

Vintage Memory Box ($24.99)

Lockable Memory Box ($42.95)

Tree of Life Memory Box ($30.95)

These gifts were not chosen at random

I hope this list of gifts will help you to give the best Christmas gift to LDR boyfriend. I’m pretty sure it will.

This selection is unique, different: each gift connects you emotionally to your partner in its own way.

Whether it’s playing with the senses, past memories or future memories you’ll create.

I have tested most of them, and I can tell you without any hesitation: they are very effective.

Now, all you have to do is!

Choose one from the list, buy it early enough to have it under the tree on December 24th.
And if you can, call him when he is about to open it. This memory will stay with you forever.

As for me, I have one last surprise for you: a list of 26 challenges to do remotely, as a couple. If you do one every weekend, you’ll be busy for half a year. It’s the best way I know of to break the routine. The link to download it for free is just below (and more informations here)

It was my list of LDR Christmas gifts for him!.Hope you liked it!

Boring of the routine ?

Download my 26 LDR Challenges and Activities

One idea done every week
= 6 months of activities

If you liked this article and want to help other couples in long distance relationships, please share it !

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