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Lovense Max 2 : Complete review of this long distance sextoy

Welcome to this Max 2 from Lovense review.

Let me guess: you’re looking for a connected sex toy for men and the Max 2 makes you look good?

How I understand you. This pleasure object really has it all! A modern and refined design, a remarkable power, a pleasant comfort of use, last generation features…

It’s all very nice. That’s what you can read on the Lovense website.

But is it really worth it, this Max 2? I mean, in practice.

I am personally in a long distance relationship. It may be your case too. And you probably know that distance complicates everything in a relationship.

Because of the lack of physical contact, you have to be very imaginative to not let the routine kill your relationship… and your libido.

Because yes! If distance complicates one aspect, it’s sex!

That’s why the Max 2 sextoy is so interesting for men.

Because it seems that it reproduces exactly the same sensations as a vaginal penetration. And what’s more, you can let your partner take control of it.

For couples in long distance relationships or who are often separated, it sounds like a dream!

That’s why I decided to test the Max 2 from Lovense. I want to see what it has in the belly! Because on paper, it’s clearly the kind of product that can save the sex life of couples separated by miles.

Let’s get started with the review!

The sextoy Max 2 and its box

Note: I have not been paid by Lovense for writing this review. My opinion is therefore personal and impartial. Good reading!

3 reasons to use a sextoy in your long distance relationship

1) To let your girlfriend take control

It is quite possible to take pleasure sexually at a distance. The problem is that you do not act directly on the body of your lover.

The connected vibrator gives your partner the opportunity to act as if he or she were there. For real.

He will be the one to create your pleasure and your fantasies. The duration, the intensity, the change of rhythm… you control nothing!

And that adds spice to your long-distance relationship.

2) To break the sexual routine

Routine is everywhere: even in your sex life. And your intimate moments can quickly become similar.

There are many ways to combat this. I have already written several articles on this subject.

One of the best ways is to get a connected sex toy.

Using a connected sextoy, for example like Max 2, will give you new sensations, as it will stimulate you in a new way.

The icing on the cake? Your partner can control it remotely.
The surprise effect is present at each connection, sweeping away the sexual routine.

It is a very powerful tool, because the benefits are double and shared:

  • You rediscover masturbation and new sensations.
  • Your partner will be delighted to have given you an orgasm, despite the miles that separate you

3) To know yourself better sexually

Owning a connected sex toy saves time. If you’re in a long-distance relationship, you know as well as I do that getting to know your partner in all aspects is fundamental.

And it takes more time than in a traditional relationship. Especially when it comes to the sexual aspect and intimate relationships.

With a Max 2, you will be able to communicate easily about what doesn’t work, and what makes you reach orgasm.

Even before you see each other for the first time, you’ll know how to handle your first sexual encounter. You’ll be on top of your game when it comes to confidence.

And above all, imagine the time you’ll save! And you know as well as I do that in a long distance relationship, time is extremely precious.

Lovense and Max 2: A little history

The Lovense brand

If Lovense had chosen the computer sector, it would compete with Apple. It is a brand that has forged its reputation by creating quality products with surprising innovations.

It is recognized in the world of technology and connected objects to adapt them to sexual pleasures.

Lovense became known thanks to camgirls who could easily interact with their community by letting them control their toy. Word of mouth did the rest.

Before I buy a product like this, I like to learn about the brand and its creator. Well I found out that he came up with the idea of creating and marketing connected sex toys because the creator was in a long distance relationship himself.

That’s cool. We know what he’s talking about!

Their best male sextoy: the Max 2

As its name suggests, the Max 2 is the second in the series of products that Lovense has created. After several commercial failures, they finally found the right formula to create an effective and surprising connected male sextoy.

In 2019, they launched the Max 2. Usually, when a product has its version 2, it smells good.

That means that many men loved the first one.

The Maxes are a series of connected sex toys, aimed at men and LDR couples. They take a cylindrical shape that stimulate the penis with 360° stimulation and a suction system.

It is also a connected vibrator, controllable remotely!

The idea is simple: you can give the control of your sex toy to anyone in the world (but is better with your partner!). No matter where it is. Is he sharing your table, or is he on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean? It makes no difference.

 The Max 2 is one of Lovense’s bestsellers. And it’s not about to lose its place.

Now let’s put it to the test! What is it really worth? Does Lovense’s male sex toy live up to its reputation? That’s what we’ll see right now.

Lovense Max 2 Review: Complete test of this long distance sextoy

Here are the different elements that I will check in this Lovense Max 2 review:

  • The delivery and packaging
  • The contents of the package
  • The features and characteristics of the Max 2
  • Its application, connectivity and control through a smartphone
  • Its differences with its little brother, the Max 1
  • 3 games to do with the Max 2
  • Where to buy it and how

I’ll finish by giving you my personal opinion, with an overall rating to all the criteria below.

Packaging and delivery: fast and discreet!

Lovense states on its website that it takes between 2 and 4 days to be delivered.

This time may be revised downward or upward depending on your country of residence.

On the site of Lovense, here are the approximate times of delay:

  • USA / Canada / Australia / : between 2 and 4 days
  • Europe : between 3 and 6 days
  • Australia : between 2 and 4 days
  • Latin America and Central America : between 3 and 5 days


You can track your package on the site of Lovense also. Quite practical!

Regarding the packaging, it is simple and discreet.
It is a package that looks like all the others: it is impossible to know what is inside. Discretion assured!
This is the kind of small detail that seems insignificant but that makes you happy.

Even on your bank statements, discretion is assured.
Unless your bank forces the website to display its name, there will be nothing that will refer to the content of your package (this is why I recommend you to go through the official website directly and avoid unnecessary intermediaries).

The contents

As soon as you open the package, you’ll understand why I compare Lovense products to Apple.

It’s beautiful and pure.

the front of the Max 2 box
packaging of the max 2 when we receive it

What interests us most is the interior! Your package consists of 4 elements:

  • The Max 2 sextoy
  • USB Charging Cable
  • Quick Setup Guide
  • User Manual in many languages
the max 2 in its box
Lovense Max 2 user guides

lovense max 2 size : too big or no ?

I’m not going to lie to you: Lovense Max 2 size is impressive. It’s obvious when you hold it in your hands for the first time. This is not disturbing for its use (and it will please those who have a big penis).

As mentioned before, the dimensions of the Max 2 are quite large, but it’s not heavy:

  • Height: 9,50 inch / 21,1 cm
  • Width: 3,33 inch / 8,5 cm
  • Weight: 750 grams

If you have difficulty in realizing the dimensions of the male connected sextoy, this image can help you:

the dimensions of the vibrator, in length and width

From afar, it is difficult to imagine what this object is used for! Its appearance is modern and sleek. You could almost use it as a decorative object!

It’s a good bet that if you ask someone what the Max 2 is for, they won’t immediately guess that it’s a male sex toy.

Let’s continue our Lovense Max 2 review with the functionalities and characteristics!

How to use Lovense Max 2 : Functionalities and Characteristics

Before I explain how to use Lovense Max 2 with your partner, I will review the features that make this vibrator an absolutely fantastic pleasure object.

A state of the art male sextoy

It has two parts:

The Max 2 sextoy: this is the outer part, the one that is visible and contains all the latest technology.

A man in a long distance relationship holds the vibrator in his hand
top view of the connected vibrator

The sleeve: this is the inner part, which is directly in contact with your penis. It is removable, which means that you can take it out as you wish.

the removable sleeve is placed on a table

The Max 2 is revolutionary for 2 reasons:

  • It is equipped with an air suction system. In other words, you can adjust the suction power which reproduces the sensation of vaginal penetration.
  • Its system of contractions is added to the vibrations for deep stimuli and which touches the whole of your penis. No part is left out.

The sleeve is also extremely qualitative:

  • It is designed in soft and resistant silicone, for a maximum comfort of use
  • The interior was thought to reproduce that of a vagina, to give you sensations extremely close to reality.
  • It is removable: you can easily wash it and change it if necessary
  • I specify it anyway, but the product is obviously 100% safe for your body
Lovense Max 2 review: gif that shows the inside of the sleeve

The characteristic that allows the Max 2 sextoy to take a step ahead of its competitors is that it acts in two different ways on the penis: with a contraction system and a vibration system.

Display of the vibration and contraction buttons on the Max 2

The vibration system

The basis of connected sex toys! The principle is simple: using a button at the bottom of the Max 2 sextoy, you can control the degree of vibration, and also choose patterns.

There are 7 different patterns:

Low ; Medium ; High ; Pulse ; Wave ; Fireworks and Earthquake

The 7 levels of vibrations of the connected sextoy for LDR couple

The « High » and « Earthquake » levels may surprise you the first time!

It’s very challenging, so don’t be afraid to go slowly.

To turn it on, two options:

  • By pressing the button on the bottom of the Max 2 for 3 seconds (this is the same button that will allow you to manage the vibration level)
  • Directly via the Lovense Remote application on your phone.

The second button is used to adjust the contractions.

The contraction system

Where the vibrations are not targeted on a specific part of your penis, this is not the case of contractions.

This system allows to slightly compress the sleeve to stimulate your penis at 360°.

This system of contractions has 3 levels: Subtle, Mild and Deep.

Believe me, it’s a blast! The combination of vibrations and contractions allows you to stimulate your genital organ like never before.
The sensations are new and terribly pleasant.

And once again, the icing on the cake is that your partner can take control
The surprise effect is guaranteed.

The 3 levels of contractions of the connected sextoy for LDR couple

Lovense Max 2 review: Take it easy, especially at first!

When you first use it, the Max 2 can be surprising. It is really powerful for its size! If you’re a little apprehensive, don’t hesitate to insert your penis when it’s already slightly erect.

Otherwise, you can use lubricant specially designed for Lovense sex toys. Attention, the lubricant must be exclusively water-based! I specify it because you could damage your device if you are not careful.

You can buy it on the Lovense website.

The lubricant helps for the use of the Max 2 by Lovense

Its compatibility

Like all the other connected sextoy from Lovense, it works with most of the current devices:

  • All Apple devices: IPhone, Ipad
  • All Android devices: Sony, Samsung, Google, Xiaomi, Huawei …
  • On computer and Mac, provided that you have a special adapter

Its battery and its recharge and autonomy

A huge evolution on this point between the Max 1 and the Max 2!

The autonomy is longer thanks to an improved battery, for an equivalent charging time.
Depending on the use you make of it (moderate or high intensity, activated contraction system…), the battery lasts more or less time.

It’s a bit like your smartphone after all: if you watch Youtube videos all day, your battery will last less.

Here are the figures for this vibrator:

  • Intensity level 1: 3h
  • Intensity level 2: 2h30
  • Intensity level 3 (with contraction and vibration): 1h40

In the 3 cases, I think it’s enough to have fun!

For the time of load, count approximately 1h40.

Finally, the charging is done thanks to an electromagnetic USB cable (a bit like on the Apple Macbook).

Honestly, all chargers should be like that. It’s resistant, there is no false contact… the magnetic system charges in an optimal way your sexual object of pleasure.

the Max 2 is charged electromagnetically

The guarantee: there is no satisfied or refunded

You can imagine that it is complicated to have a « satisfied or refunded » on this kind of product.

From a health point of view, it can be harmful, and even at the level of the law, there are problems concerning objects of pleasure.

Since its use is related to the intimate and sexual parts of the human body, it cannot be exchanged or refunded.

Once the male sextoy is out of the box, you can not be reimbursed (except in case of malfunction, obviously).

All Lovense products are guaranteed at least 1 year. This period may be longer depending on your country.

The sleeve has a 3 month warranty.

Is the Lovense Max 2 loud ? I recommend you to be alone when you use it

I couldn’t do a Lovense Max 2 review without talking about the noise it made. Discretion is a key criterion today!

The Max 2 is a few loudly.

Having tested it, the decibel level goes up to 50 for the classic intensity levels, and climbs to 65 when it is at full power. This corresponds to a ringing phone or a television.

If you stay in the lower levels of use, you can easily cover its noise.

But at the latter levels (the ones that give you the most pleasure), I recommend waiting until you are home alone to use it.
If you live with someone, it’s a safe bet that they’ll ask you one day what that funny noise is!

For example, a TV in the background can slightly cover its noise, but not 100%.
So yep. 
The Max 2 is loud.

In short, here is a summary of the features of the Max 2


The Lovense Remote application: surprising and intuitive

The Lovense Max 2 review also involves its application!

Everything happens on the Lovense Remote application! It is with this application that your partner can take control of your toy, and give you orgasms in real time.

A simple internet connection is enough to make this possible (and you give him access to your male sextoy, of course!)

And Lovense does things right: the application is simple to use. The grip is fast and intuitive.

This is a feat when you know the applications of the same kind in other competitors, believe me!

features of the application Lovense Remote

The main function: the remote

This is what your partner will use the most.

He can use his smartphone as a remote control.
Except that instead of changing the channel or turning up the sound, it will give you orgasms in real time.

You can also use it directly on yourself: one hand for the phone, the other on the Max 2… and the solo pleasure can begin!

There are 3 basic modes of use:

  • Classic: Interact on the intensity of the vibrations and their duration by sliding your finger on the phone

  • Wave: The principle remains the same but when you release your finger, the intensity level remains at the same place and does not fall back to zero

  • Loop: Allows you to keep in memory the actions you perform to repeat them in a loop, ad infinitum. A great way to vary the intensity without having to constantly manipulate your phone.
Home menu of the application Lovense Remote
The different paterns of the application
Using the remote control on a smartphone

Secondary functions: nice, but not essential (except for #2)

Lovense offers unique features on their application. Some of them are really nice and quite original! Some are still to be improved, but overall everything works well. I present them to you right away:

You can program your connected vibrator to activate at a specific time.
This function can be excellent with other sextoys (like the Lush 3 for example), but for the Max 2 I don’t see how to exploit the idea well.

Models and templates
Do you remember the Loops I mentioned in the previous point? There are 10 pre-recorded ones in the application.
However, and I think this is absolutely great, you can create, save and share your own « loops ». There are thousands of them available on the application! They are all free, of course.
From 10 seconds to 1 hour, they are all different. You’re bound to find one that suits your mood or your sexual habits. Some of them have even been created to perfectly match the Max 2 sextoy.

Musical synchronization
You can synchronize the vibrations of your male sextoy with music recorded on your phone. The vibrations will be stronger or weaker depending on the rhythm of the music. Pretty cool, right?
You can even link your Spotify Premium account to easily select your favorite music.
This feature is unfortunately not very accurate and bugs are still quite common.

A messaging and video calling system
No more erotic chats on Messenger or Instagram! You can make video calls or send messages directly through the app.
This is useful if you like to keep things separate, and be sure that there are no sexual or pornographic discussions or photos on the « classic » instant messaging applications.

To download the application Lovense Remote, it is here!

App Store / Android / Mac / Windows PC 

Lovense Remote has the same options on computer and phone

Connecting the Max 2 with your phone : Complete guide

Connecting your Max 2 sextoy to your phone locally

Before you give your partner control of your pleasure toy, you need to connect it to your phone. And here’s how to do it.

  1. Download the Lovene Remote application, launch it and create an account
  2. Activate the bluetooth on your phone, and press long enough on the ON / OFF button of the Max 2 to turn on.
    A light will flash to indicate that it is on and ready to sync.
  3. Click on the pin icon or go to « Account » and then « My Toys ».
  4. Click on « + » to start the search. Your Max 2 will be automatically detected. Press « Finish ».
    If the operation was successful, the indicator light will stay on!
  5. You only need to do this operation once.
Male sextoy pairing

The (very) long distance control

You are 10 cm away from your partner?

10 kilometers away ?

1000 kilometers ?

10,000 kilometers?

No problem. The Lovense Max 2 is perfect for long distance relationship 

If you have an internet connection, the (very) long distance control will work.

Even deep in the Amazon forest or in space! (as long as you have an internet connection).

The principle is simple: your phone is connected to your vibrator in bluetooth, and the phone of your partner connects to your phone with Internet via the application Lovense Remote.

diagram to give control of a connected vibrator to his partner at a distance

This is the most secure and easiest way to do. This allows you to keep 100% control of the connection.

To give control of the Max 2 to your partner, you must both have downloaded the Lovense Remote application and have created an account.

Once that’s done, here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to the « Long-Distance » tab.
  2. Tap « + » to add a contact. Enter their username and tap « Add ».
  3. After your partner accepts the request, they will show up in this tab.

You also have access to several options to set up the male sextoy as you wish.

If despite all this you have difficulties, here is the official user guide of Lovense. 

This way of doing guaranteed you to keep the complete control of your toy, and disconnect when you want your partner.

You are master of the situation at any time.

During your next sessions, your Max 2 will automatically recognize your partner. You won’t need to do it every time.

Is the connection stable?

I personally have never had any problems.

The connection is stable (as long as you have access to the internet) and the application does not encounter any bugs.
Just make sure you keep your phone and your Max 2 close together so that the bluetooth doesn’t break.

The distance between you and your partner doesn’t matter as long as your internet connection is stable.

An adapter is required to connect a Max to a Windows computer

I advise you to buy the adapter at the same time as the product.
You will have a discount of more than 50% on the adapter.

To download the Lovense Remote application on a computer, click here.

Mac / Windows PC

I’ve taken the Lovense Max 2 review a step further, looking at the games you can play with this connected toy.

3 naughty games to do with your lovense max 2

1) With several: augmented reality with the online multiplayer game 3DXChat

I’ve never personally tested this option, but it’s worth it! This game allows you to create a world in augmented reality where you can use the connected sex toys of Lovense.

We can compare it to the game « The Sims », but naughty and libertine version.

Customize your character and your room, invite other players to join you to party, and let yourself be guided by the different possible scenarios.

For an even more powerful experience, you can even connect a VR headset!

To learn more, I redirect you to this page of presentation of the game.

And here is the official teaser of the game (soft version)

There are other games, but these are a bit less popular. I let you discover them here !

2) With your partner at a distance: give yourself an orgasm simultaneously

If your partner also has a Lovense sextoy, you can both control each other’s sex toy at the same time. If your girlfriend has a Lush 3 or Nora for example, and you have a Max 2, the possibilities increase tenfold.

Here are some ideas in bulk:

  • Take a sex quiz: with each correct answer, stimulate your partner
  • Sex version of truth or dare: challenges take on a new twist with connected vibrator
  • Watch an erotic video together, imitate the positions and activate your partner’s sextoy according to the situation
  • The first of you to give the other an orgasm wins.

3) With your partner in the same room: spice up your lovemaking

Why use the Max 2 if you’re next to your partner? Because it will change the way you make love!

  • You can start the foreplay with your Max 2, then get serious…
  • Alternate between the sex toy and your partner
  • You can even play a fun game with the Max 2: challenge your partner to make you ejaculate before the sextoy! A challenge your partner will accept every time!

This won’t replace your partner, but it can easily expand your range of possibilities.

The Max 2 by Lovense can help you if your girlfriend has her period

How to clean Lovense Max 2

Cleaning the Max 2 sextoy is not that difficult. However, there are some things you need to know and some rules to follow if you don’t want to damage your product.

Here is what I recommend you to know how to clean Lovense Max 2, and what to do if you want to keep it functional for years.

Clean the Max 2

Before each wash:

  • Disconnect the device from your smartphone
  • Close the air vent on the top
  • Remove the sleeve

Next, here’s the best way to effectively wash your sextoy:

  • The Max 2 is not designed to be immersed in water.
    So use a wet baby’s bottle brush with water. This will allow you to reach the bottom without taking any risk.

Clean the sleeve

  • Never wash the Max 2 with soap: it damages the sleeve
  • Instead, run the sleeve under warm water and gently rub the outside of the sleeve with your hands
  • You can also use products specially created to clean this type of product.
  • Then use the stick to thoroughly clean the inside of the sleeve.

I recommend that you clean it after each use. You will considerably increase its life span!

If your sleeve is ever too damaged, you can order a new one on the Lovense website. 
Click on « Accessories » to discover the different models adapted to the Max 2.

My personal feedback

The Max 2 from Lovense has many surprises.

I never imagined that you could reproduce sensations so close to reality with a connected sextoy. Admittedly, the product is a bit big but it has to fit all penis sizes!

Its 7 intensity modes and different ways of using it always makes us want to try new things. I think it’s cool and very effective in breaking the routine. And you know how vital it is to always surprise your partner, especially in a long distance relationship.

The LDR couples community often refers to this product. Now I understand why! It’s clearly a must-have if you experience sexual frustration on a daily basis.

Its biggest weakness is maybe cleaning it: it’s not difficult but it has to be done relatively quickly. Fortunately, the inner part is removable.

If you can afford it (and yes, all quality items have a price. The Max 2 still costs $99), I highly recommend you get one.

If sexual fulfillment is paramount in your relationship, whether long distance or not, this is an investment you won’t regret.

Table of advantages and disadvantages of the Max 2 from Lovense
Shipping (discretion, speed, tracking, packaging)10/10
The Max 2 sextoy (comfort, feel, power, noise, ease of use)8.5/10
The application (ergonomics, security, simple)8/10
Orgasm Rate9/10
After sales service7/10
Quality / price ratio9/10
Suitable for LDR couples10/10
Overall score9/10


Lovense Max vs Max 2 : summary table

The question often comes up: Lovense Max vs Max 2, which is better?
The answer is obvious: the Max 2.

6 years separate the two models. The improvements are therefore significant and numerous!

I have listed the most important improvements in the table below.

One thing is sure, it is that the Max 1 seems really febrile compared to its big brother. We understand it immediately just by looking at the design!

I let you judge by yourself:

Comparison table between the Max 2 and the Max 1 of Lovense

Lovense Max 2 Review: Conclusion

I find that the Max 2 is the best connected sextoy thought for couples in long distance relationship, and especially for men. It’s said!

Lovense were the first to propose this kind of products, and for more than 10 years now, they continue to innovate by taking into account the feedback of their customers.

The user experience is always improved, and this is reflected in the Max 2.

They managed to make it more beautiful, more pleasant, more ergonomic and above all more powerful.

The sensations are not just increased tenfold: they are felt on every millimeter of your penis and perfectly reproduce the sensation of vaginal penetration.

The icing on the cake is that it is easy to use for couples in long distance relationships. It doesn’t matter how many miles away you are from your partner.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Max 3 appear in a few years. It’s a flagship product from Lovense that has already won over thousands of users.

I can see why so many men and couples in long distance relationships use it.
The Max 2 is as far ahead of its competitors as Ronaldo is from his opponents with a ball.

For me, that’s a big yes!

Thank you for reading this Lovense Max 2 review. You should now know if this product is right for you!

Where to buy Lovense Max 2?

You can buy the Max 2 directly from the Lovense website by clicking here.

I also recommend that you always order through their website:

  • If you go through another site, there is no guarantee that your order will be discreet.

  • In any case, the prices will always be advantageous (they often make promotions!)

  • The after-sales service will always be more reactive, since they will have your order history in front of them.

  • You limit the number of intermediaries, and therefore the number of potential problems.

Order the Max 2: complete guide

It’s quick and easy.

Step 1:
Click here. You will arrive on the Max 2 product page:

Max 2 order page on the Lovense website

Step 2:
Once you have read the page, click on « Buy now » at the top or bottom of the page.

Step 3:
The male sextoy is added to your cart. You can add additional products by clicking on « Add to cart » (like condoms, lubricants or an adapter).
Choose your quantity, and click on « Checkout ».

Step 4:
You will be automatically redirected to the store. Press the pink « Buy name » button. Add the product to the shopping cart, choose the quantity you want and click on « Checkout ».

Shopping cart on the site of Lovense

On the image above, the price is in euros because I am in Europe. The currency will automatically adapt to your geographical location.

Step 5:
Choose your country of residence. This is where you will find out the shipping costs that apply to your country, as well as the delivery time.

Choice of country when ordering the Max 2 on the site of Lovense

You can see that the delivery cost is 13€ for France, and that I will be delivered between 3 and 6 days. For the USA, the shipping cost is 5€ and you will be delivered between 3 and 5 days.

Delivery is possible in more than 50 countries.
Add your address and click on « Continue Checkout » at the bottom of the page.

Step 6:
You can pay by credit card or by Paypal. That’s it!
All you have to do is wait a few days and open your mailbox. A parcel with an ordinary appearance will be waiting for you.

Payment of the Max 2 on the site of Lovense


Lovense doesn’t offer the Max 1 anymore on their website because they made so many improvements in their new model that it wasn’t worth it anymore. For more details, check out my comparison chart between the two models a little higher on this page!

Even though the inner sleeve of the Max 2 was designed for medium-sized penises, you can still feel the vibrations and contractions if you have a small penis.
The contractions may be slightly less strong, as they are felt most in the middle of the Max 2.

Whether we’re talking about length or width, you should have no problem using the Max 2.
Unless you have an unbelievably large penis, you will still be able to insert your penis without any problems.

Here is the answer from Lovense:
« For reasons of hygiene and health, we do not offer refunds or returns once the product has been used or opened. This is standard in the sex toy industry. We accept returns on unopened items within 30 days of purchase. Unopened means in the original packaging with the plastic seal intact. Returns are subject to a 20% restocking fee. »

The answer is yes!
That’s why I wanted to try the product

Yes, the company Lovense is one of the most recognized in the sex toy industry. You don’t have to worry about that.

The content of your package is 100% anonymous. From the outside, it looks like a regular package. It is the same for your bank statements.
There will be nothing to suggest that it is a sextoy: neither the name of the product, nor the name of the website.

Here is the answer from Lovense: « Our application is a closed platform. We do not give users the ability to search for or add random people. »
Therefore, this is not possible.

Shipping methods and delivery times vary depending on the country you live in. In general, it takes between 2 and 4 days to receive your package.

When you finalize your order, you will have all the details concerning your country: price, delay…

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