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Lush 3 Review : The best vibrator for long distance couples ?

Here’s an article about Lush 3 Review. How many times has this happened to you?

You start a video call with your boyfriend, your discussion drifts and your desires take over.
You start to turn each other on, to have fun together.
The tension is at its highest.
He goes to 7th heaven.

And then nothing.

Maybe your partner is trying to keep sending you virtual pleasure.

And you say to yourself « It’s over on his side, there’s no point in continuing. Let’s go back to our discussion. »

However, maybe if he could give you as much pleasure as you give him, you would have reached the same level of satisfaction.

Distance complicates everything.

Physical contact is impossible, if I have to remind you.
And even if your boyfriend does adapt and make efforts, he’s still thousands of miles away from your home.

You tell yourself that once the distance is gone, everything will be better.

That’s probably true.
I believe you.

But that doesn’t solve the problem

  • What do you do when you are very excited, but your boyfriend has his own agenda?
  • Does he always manage to free himself to meet your sexual desires?
  • Or if your boyfriend is not in a luxurious mood?
  • Does distance systematically mean being sexually frustrated in your relationship?

Taking care of your sexual desires is the most effective way to avoid this lack and frustration.
For those who have little experience as well as for experts in the field.

Because yes, sexual frustration will come naturally. Without knocking on the door. That’s just the way it is. We are all human, no one escapes this rule.

Just like the smoker who hasn’t had his nicotine fix for a few hours. The little monster inside him will ask for his cigarette.

Fortunately, there is a simple and brilliant way to fill your sexual frustration.

What’s that?

It is to use connected objects, a vibrating egg last generation that can control your partner, no matter the hundreds or thousands of miles that separate you.

I have THE reference you need for this.

The one that allows your boyfriend to give you maximum pleasure simply and easily.

This reference?

It’s the new latest generation model from Lovense: the Lush 3.

The vibrating egg connected perfect to fill your sexual lovemaking at a distance. I present it to you right away in this Lush 3 Review.

Lush 3 presentation image

This Lush 3 Review was not sponsored by Lovense.

I wrote it voluntarily and freely.

Why use a Lush 3 vibrator in your long distance relationship?

1) To let your long distance boyfriend lead the way

Think of yourself, but also of him.

The intimate moments you share are only through your texts and videos.
It’s abstract, even if you make every effort to create closeness.

The Lush 3 allows your partner to act as if he were physically present.

He decides what sensations he gives you.
The intensity, the duration, the change of pace.

And it’s this control that brings satisfaction and an indestructible sexual connection between you.

2) To increase your intimate sensations tenfold

Imagine you and your boyfriend enjoying each other. Even though you are participating together in giving each other pleasure, it is still you and only you who are manipulating your body.

Using the Lush 3 allows you to make the connection between the ideas and desires that your boyfriend imagines and the effects on you.
And the human mind is limitless.

The surprise effect is always present because it is no longer you who stimulates your sensitive points.

You also avoid that your intimate moments are repeated and similar. The sensations are multiplied tenfold for both of you.
It is hyper powerful as a gadget.

Pleasure is like a gift.
Giving them is just as enjoyable as receiving them.

Especially when you love someone deeply. Something I have no doubt about. You wouldn’t be reading this otherwise.

When you’re at a distance, and a sexual urge comes up, connect your device, authorize access to your partner, and bingo, your boyfriend takes care of you so you can concentrate fully on your own pleasure.

Intimate sensations are multiplied tenfold.

3) To know each other better

As you know, in a long distance relationship, knowing your partner’s desires is absolutely fundamental.

A relationship is based on trust, communication and growth as a couple.

With it, you’ll be able to tell your boyfriend explicitly what to do and what not to do so that you get maximum pleasure.

This will give him valuable and intimate knowledge about how you are fulfilling your sexuality.

All this while remaining at a distance, without being able to touch you physically.

Imagine then what he will be able to do during your next reunion.

Lovense and Lush 3: Who is it, what is it?

I was not paid by Lovense to test their product.
My review and opinion will remain subjective and I will address the good and the bad.
I will never recommend to my readers a product that I think is bad.

The brand Lovense

Lovense is to sex toys what Apple is to smartphones.

A heavyweight offering high-end products that are among the biggest players in this field!

Ask anyone who has a little interest in this kind of gadget if they know this brand. You will always get the same answer.

Its creator was himself in a long distance relationship. I think that’s why Lovense is a company that is close to its customers, that listens to them and that modernizes with them.

Its creators know what they are talking about, and who they are talking to (and that is reassuring!)

After some research on their website, I learned that their first product (which dates back to 2010 anyway) connected via… Skype.
Yes, you read that right! They’ve come a long way in 10 years.

Their best-seller: the Lush 3

Seeing the undeniable success of the first and second model with long distance couples, and the amazing number of cam girls who used it to interact with their community live, Lovense could not stop there.

In 2021, they released the Lush 3, the latest gem of its generation.
Usually, when a product has several versions, it’s a good sign.

It means that the first ones were appreciated by a large number of users.

Lush is a series of connected vibrating eggs, designed for women and especially couples in long distance relationships.

If you have an internet connection, your partner can take control of this toy with his phone.
He is sitting at the same table as you or on the other side of the world? Absolutely no difference!

The Lush has been Lovense’s bestseller for a long time.

So how good is the Lush 3?

Is it really even more powerful AND more discreet than its predecessors? That’s what the brand promises, and that’s what I’m going to check!

Lush 3 Review : The best vibrator for LDR couples ?

I will review the following:

  • The delivery and packaging
  • The contents of the package
  • The features and characteristics
  • Its application, connectivity and control through a smartphone
  • Its power, its discretion, its sensations and
  • Its differences with its little brother, the Lush 2
  • Then, I will give you my personal opinion and the overall rating I give it.

Let’s go for the Lush 3 review!

Packaging and delivery: discreet and fast!

For the speed of shipping, everything depends on your country.
It usually takes between 2 and 4 working days. If you order it on a Monday, it is likely that you will receive it within the week.

You can also track your package directly on their website.

The packaging is more than ordinary.
No one can suspect the contents of your package except you.

The discretion even appears on your bank statement. Unless your bank forces the website to display its name, there will be nothing that refers to the contents of your package.

The contents

When you open your package, you will discover a modern and uncluttered box:

Lush 3 box at the reception
Back of the Lush 3 box

But the most interesting thing is what’s inside! In your package, you will find :

  • The Lush 3
  • The associated charger
  • A user manual
  • A satin storage pouch
Contents of the Lush 3 box
Black satin pouch to protect the vibrating egg

Lush 3 Review : Features and Characteristics

Now let’s get to the heart of the matter by dissecting the latest addition to the Lush series.

As I told you before, it is a vibrating egg that stimulates both the vagina and also the clitoris (thanks to its curved tail). This is the third and last model created Lovense, released in 2021.

So it’s reassuring: in general, products that do not please consumers are quickly abandoned.

That’s why there have been 9 Fast and Furious movies, and only one about the superhero Green Lantern.

The basic principle remains the same:
Avibrating egg controllable through a smartphone.

What does it look like?

Just like its two big brothers, the Lush 1 and Lush 2, the Lush 3 from Lovense takes the shape of a pink vibrating egg with a rigid and curved C-shaped tail.

This design allows it to follow the shape of the vulva, for a better feeling of its vibrations.
This vibrator exclusively intended for female pleasure is made of pink silicone, very soft is a guarantee of quality.

The action is double:
The sensations are powerful and controlled at the level of the vagina but also at the level of the clitoris thanks to the curvature of the tail.

You will be stimulated in two places at the same time!

Its dimensions are quite large compared to other models.

  • Height: 2,94 inch / 7,5 cm
  • Width: 3,77 inch / 9,6 cm
  • Insertable head: 1,5 inch / 3,7cm

Here is a small image so that you realize better the dimensions:

Dimensions of the Lush 3 in length, width and depth

His use and efficiency

Before explaining how to let your partner take control of your toy, let’s go into detail to find out all the little secrets hidden in this vibrator.

The egg offers 7 programs already recorded:

Low, Medium, High, Pulse, Wave, Spark, Seism

The 7 programs already installed on the sextoy

The « High » level may surprise you the first time!

Do not hesitate to go gradually, especially at the beginning.

To turn it on, two options:

  • By pressing directly on the vibrating egg
  • By using your phone

It can be a little difficult to insert the first few times.
Don’t force it and don’t hesitate to use a water-based lubricant to make it easier (and definitely not a silicone or oil-based lubricant! You will greatly reduce the life of your toy).

Once placed, you will hardly feel it.
Since it is made of soft silicone, it is pleasant to the touch and prevents itching.

Whether you are standing, sitting or lying down, there will be no problem.

You may even forget about it!

A personal tip based on my use of Lovense Lush 3

His compatibility

It works with :

  • All Apple devices: IPhone, Ipad
  • All Android devices: Samsung, Google, OnePlus, Xiaomi, Huawei…
  • On computer and Mac, provided you have a special adapter

His battery and recharge

Its battery has been improved in comparison with the Lush 2, going from 3 hours to 5 hours of autonomy.
You won’t need to recharge it often, even if you use it regularly!

The charging time is 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Finally, the loading is done with a USB cable and is electromagnetic.
On the Lush 2, there was no such function and sometimes the Lush did not charge.

Here, this is history. The magnetic system will perfectly place your egg for an optimal recharge (the system is the same as on some Apple Macs).

Let’s continue this  Lush 3 review by talking about its guarantee

The warranty: there is no money back guarantee

Concerning the guarantee, it is a bit special considering the nature of the product.

It is an object whose use is intimate and private. It can therefore neither be exchanged nor refunded.

Once it is out of the box, you will not be able to get a refund (except in case of breakage or malfunction).

No matter where you live in the world, the Lush 3 is guaranteed for 1 year from the date of purchase.

What about noise and discretion?

Whether you’re using this toy when you’re at a distance or when you’re together, your sexual experience can quickly turn into a nightmare if it makes a monstrous noise.

And that’s okay. Keeping privacy and modesty is part of my values and maybe yours too.

At maximum power, the egg reaches 43 dB.
This corresponds to the noise of the spectators in the cinema.

Here is a table summarizing the noise according to the use of the toy:

Use in a public place
(An outdoor location such as a street or cinema)

Use in a private location
(An indoor place like a bedroom)

Minimum power : No noise
Intermediate power : No noise
Maximum power : No noise

Outside, there is always ambient noise. It is therefore easy to naturally cover the noise of the the egg

Minimum power: No noise
Intermediate power: No noise
Maximum power: Can be heard slightly

Inside, if there is no noise, it is possible to hear it at maximum power.
A television, radio or music is largely sufficient to cover the noise

If you have a priority on discretion, if you are really afraid that it will be heard around you when you use it in public for example, it is the Lush 3 that will make you feel safe and give you this guarantee.

Information about noise based on my use of Lovense Lush 3

A vibrating egg that goes in the water!

You can use your Lush 3 in water.

It’s water-proof and meets the world-class IPX7 standard.

This means that it can be immersed in water for 30 minutes and up to 1 meter deep without any problem.

Here is a short video to show you what the vibrating egg looks like when immersed.
From left to right, the intensity varies: Low, Medium and High.

Gif that shows the behavior of the Lush 3 in water according to the 3 different levels of intensity
A personal tip based on my use of Lovense Lush 3

In short, here is a summary of the main functions of the latest model of Lovense:

Summary of all the features of the Lush 3 by Lovense

Let’s continue this Lush 3 Review by talking about the application (essential to use its features to 100%)

The Lovense Remote application: surprising and intuitive

It is through this app (and an internet connection obviously) that you can let your partner take control of your vibrating egg.

The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Lovense Remote is its simplicity.
Compared to other competitors, there are not 10,000 menus with an infinite number of sub-menus… Everything is quite intuitive.

The features of the application Lovense Remote

The main function: The remote control

Imagine your Lush 3 as a television, and your phone as a remote control. Using your phone, you (or your partner) can control on the vibrating egg.
Here are the 3 basic modes:

  • Classic:
    Interact on the intensity of the vibrations and their duration by sliding your finger on the phone

  • Wave:
    The principle remains the same but when you release your finger, the intensity level remains at the same place and does not fall to 0

  • Loop:
    Allows you to keep in memory the actions you perform to repeat them in a loop, ad infinitum. A great way to vary the intensity without having to constantly manipulate your phone.
Presentation of the features of the application Lovense Remote
Presentation of the features of the application Lovense Remote
Presentation of the remote functionality of Lovense Remote

Secondary functions: fun, but not essential (except #2)

Lovense innovates all the time.
They constantly bring new features to their product and even if some of them are not yet optimal, they have the merit to exist:

  • Alarm:
    You can program your toy to activate at a specific time. So you can turn it into an alarm clock!

  • Models and templates:
    Do you remember the Loops I mentioned in the previous point? There are 10 pre-recorded ones on the application.
    However, and I think this is absolutely brilliant, you can create, save and share your own « loops ». There are thousands of them available on the application! They are all free, of course.
    From 10 seconds to 1 hour, they are all different. You’re bound to find one that suits your mood or your sexual habits.

  •  Music synchronization:
    You can synchronize the vibrations of your egg with a music recorded on your phone. The vibrations will be more or less strong depending on the rhythm of the music.
    You can also link your Spotify Premium account.
    This function is unfortunately not very accurate and bugs are still quite common.

  • A messaging and video calling system:
    Rather than talking through Messenger or Whatsapp, you can directly send messages or make video calls on the app. This can be handy for talking about certain topics without ambiguity, if you know what I mean.

To download the Lovense Remote app, it’s this way!

App Store / Android / Mac / Windows PC

Connect the Lush 3 with your phone: Instructions for use

  • You are 10 cm away from your partner?
  • 10 kilometers away?
  • 1000 kilometers ?
  • 10,000 kilometers away?

The remote control will work.

It doesn’t matter how far away you are. Unless you are in a cave or in space, you should have no problems!

The (very) long distance control

Here’s how it works. The toy is connected to your phone via bluetooth, and your partner’s phone connects to your phone via the Internet.

The sextoy of Lovense can connect over long distances thanks to wifi

This is the most secure and easiest way to do it.

To give your partner the power to control your Lush 3, you must both have downloaded the Lovense Remote application and created an account.

Once that’s done, here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to the « Long-Distance » tab.
  2. Tap « + » to add a contact. Enter their username and tap « Add ».
  3. After your partner accepts the request, they will show up in this tab.

You also have several options to set up the vibrating egg as you wish:

If despite all this you have difficulties, here is the official user guide of Lovense.

Finally, keep in mind that if a problem with your partner occurs, you can disconnect at any time.
You remain in control in all circumstances.

Control at close range

Reunions are always a magical time for LDR couples.

My girlfriend and I are now up to 3 and emotions are always running high.
The heart speeds up, the hands get sweaty…

You can also use it when you meet again. The connection is easier because it’s done via Bluetooth.

Here’s how to connect your toy with your phone:

  1. Press and hold the Lush 3 button to turn the toy on. An indicator light will flash to show that it is on.
  2. Click on the pin icon (as shown in the screenshot below).
  3. Press « + » to start searching. When you have found the toy, press « Finish ». The light will stay on to indicate that it is connected. Your toy can now be controlled from your smartphone.
Tutorial to connect your phone and your Lush 3 in bluetooth
Tutorial to connect your phone and your Lush 3 in bluetooth
Tutorial to connect your phone and your Lush 3 in bluetooth

Normally, you will only need to do this once. It will connect automatically the next time.

Is the connection stable?

The customer reviews are unanimous:

The connection is stable and overall has no bugs if the connected phone does not move too far away from the connected toy (or the signal does not weaken in the case of a long distance connection).

  • About 13 meters when you are standing (close distance)
  • About 9 meters when you are sitting. This is because your body will block the signal slightly, especially if you are cross-legged. (close distance)

Thousands of miles away, you will need to stay connected to the internet.

You’ll find that the way you use the Lush 3 will change dramatically when you’re at a distance or together.

You can go for a walk and leave the control of the toy to your partner, play games, or make every situation more intense.

Imagine yourself at a party, at the table with friends or in a public place with your partner. It could give you pleasure at any time, without anyone around being aware of it.

A game that will please the most naughty LDR couples!

A personal tip based on my use of Lovense Lush 3 about control and connecion

I advise you to buy the adapter at the same time as the product. You will have a discount of more than 50% on the adapter.

To download the Lovense Remote application on a computer, click here for Mac or here for Windows PC.

Lush 3 Review: My personal feedback

The Lush 3 from Lovense is surprising.

I didn’t think it was possible to combine power and discretion at the same time. So yes, at maximum power the sound is not 100% muffled but it remains correct and quiet.

Its different functions make you want to try new things all the time, which breaks the routine completely! And you know how vital it is to always surprise your partner, especially in a long distance relationship.

I largely understand its fame and why it is so popular among the LDR community.

In fact, the biggest downside is the price. It’s a high-end vibrating egg that is not affordable for everyone.

But if sexual fulfillment is vital in your life and it is one of the biggest difficulties you face in your long distance relationship, it is an excellent investment.

  • Shipping (discretion, speed, tracking, packaging): 10 / 10
  • The toy (comfort, feel, power, noise, ease of use) : 9 / 10
  • The application (ergonomics, security, simple) : 8 / 10
  • Quality / price ratio : 8 / 10
  • The after-sales service : 7 / 10
  • Suitable for LDR couples : 10 / 10


  • Overall score : 9 / 10

Improvement compared to its little brother, the Lush 2

Comparative image of the Lush 2 and the Lush 3

Lush 3 Review : Conclusion

The Lush 3 is in my opinion one of the best connected sex toys for long distance couples.

The designers listen to their customers’ feedback to always offer a better user experience. They managed to create a powerful, comfortable, discreet and controllable vibrating egg from anywhere in the world.

There is a reason why it is now in its third version. This means that the first two models were already very popular!

In short, there is a reason why so many camgirls and couples in long distance relationships use it. It is thanks to this type of product that a company surpasses its competitors, and that, Lovense has understood it well.

Thank you for reading this Lush 3 Review ! If you want to have it in your hands, I invite you to click on the green button below. I remind you that this article was not sponsored by Lovense.

Comparative table of advantages and disadvantages of the Lush 3

Ordering and receiving: step by step tutorial (and why it is better to order directly on their site)

That’s why I advise you to go only through their site:

  • Your order is shipped and invoiced discreetly. No one but you will know that you have made this purchase. This is not the case with other sites
  • The price will always be advantageous (there are often promotional offers on their site)
  • The after-sales service will always be more reactive

Nothing could be easier:

Step 1:
Click on this link to access the Lush 3 product sheet:

Image 1 of the tutorial that helps couples in long-distance relationships to buy the Lush 3 on the Lovense website

Step 2:
After having read all the information you need, click on « Buy now » at the bottom of the page.

Step 3:
You will be automatically redirected to the store. Press the pink « Buy name » button. Add the product to the cart, choose the quantity you need and click on « Checkout ».

Image 2 of the tutorial that helps couples in long-distance relationships to buy the Lush 3 on the Lovense website

Step 4:
Choose your country of delivery (shipping costs are added at this time) and fill in your shipping address, click on « Continue ».

Image 3 of the tutorial that helps couples in long-distance relationships to buy the Lush 3 on the Lovense website

As you can see, delivery is possible in a huge number of countries.

Step 5:
Pay by card or Paypal. Wait a few days and you’ll be happy! A parcel that looks like all the others (and without any apparent distinctive sign) will arrive at your home.


The price difference between the two is tiny when you think of all the new features from one model to the other ($20). The tail stays in place better, the battery has been improved and it is much less noisy.

For $20, it’s really not worth it to do without all the improvements that have been made over the years by a company like Lovense. Generally speaking, the newer models are still the better performers.

It will be impossible to know what is in your package from the outside, and your bank statements will remain anonymous. Neither the name of your product nor the name of the website will appear on your bank statement.

Here is Lovense’s answer: « For health and hygiene reasons, we do not offer refunds or returns once the product has been used or opened. This is standard in the sex toy industry. We accept returns on unopened items within 30 days of purchase. Unopened means in the original packaging with the plastic seal intact. Returns are subject to a 20% restocking fee. »

Yes! I will not feature it on this blog if it does not. The user keeps control at all times by turning off the Lush 3 and allowing her partner to control it.

Yes, Lovense is one of the most recognized companies in the sex toy industry.

Here is the answer from Lovense: « Our application is a closed platform. We do not give users the ability to search or add random people. » Therefore, this is not possible.

Because shipping is global, each country has different shipping times and methods.  You will see more information when you choose your country when you finalize your order.

It works but still lacks stability.

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